Monday, February 28, 2011

Urban Archaeology

Today's haul from the creek:

Some interesting finds: A (whiskey?) bottle, shell casings,
a workglove, and a stylish brown v-neck.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

Planting Plants

Thanks to everybody who came to the open event today! It was a bit chilly (still no snow), but we got so much done! In addition to clearing out invasive vinca and ehrharta, we also planted tons of cow parsnip and soap plant.

Wilson and Vincent get down to business.
Mauna and Thy and their new friends.
Hard at work.
For Ashley, broken bones are no excuse!
A flurry of restoration activity.
Ranger Dave letting some ehrharta know who's boss.
Gina and Ramey run on renewable smile-power!
Thank you, eco-warriors!
Looking at the pictures, it's hard to realize that we're on campus, but VLSB is probably only 100ft away! I hope that everyone who came out today can look at the creek and campus in a new way.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Open Event Tomorrow

Just a reminder that there will be an open event tomorrow (Friday, 2/25) from 3-5pm. We'll be meeting at the statue of the rugby player near the southwest corner of VLSB. Wear sturdy shoes and clothes you don't mind getting grungy.

See you there!

The Statue

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Daily Cal Article!

Strawberry Creek got a shout out in the Daily Cal last week! From the article:
Flowing under bridges and through groves, Strawberry Creek might look like an untouched natural sanctuary hidden between large, man-made buildings. But the stream, running through the heart of UC Berkeley's campus, has been damaged by the beds of ivy that seem to offer themselves up as picnic spots, according to the leaders of a project to restore the creek.
Read the full article here.